Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Omaha sighting

Here's another video from Omaha. Skeptics have called this fake, but if you have any brains in your head....watch the movement more than once.

3 days ago...

This was difficult to film since my camera is not made for this type of thing. My 9 year old daughter has seen them with me and watched this one also. You will hear her voice in this too. I will add annotations to the video to point it out. I was not even sure if I was capturing it, since through the view finder and LCD screens it didn't show up to my eye. This object sat in the same spot for about 20 minutes and then disappeared. This is not the first time I have seen UFO's, this is only the third time I have seen them in daylight. I have countless times at night though.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I just watched a Police Heli heading West at a low altitude and about what?....a 50 feet above it a UFO! The UFO heading East and as soon as they passed each other the UFO disappeared! I know damn well the cops saw this thing!
25 Minutes previous, I spotted another one that was far away heading South.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11, 2009 8:35pm

Watched one move fairly slow across sky headed North. Wife watched it with me, but she doesn't like to see them. She glances and then says I DON'T CARE....she is in denial.....why do people deny this stuff?

March 10, 2009 1:29am

Just watched either one or two UFO's moving east in the far distance. At first I thought they were two stars, but I noticed they were both moving away from a real star. I don't know if both lights were of the same vehicle , or if two were moving in unison? All I do know is, they were not air planes... they both moved very slowly and faded in and out with light so bright it was brighter than a star and then so dim you could barely see them.