Sunday, November 30, 2008

Some think it's about WAR in space

Watch and listen, this is important stuff that should be answered.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cold? Maybe not the case

I saw two tonight. One came out of nowhere and started heading North. Funny....this thing STOPPED and waiting as a plan went by and then continued North. I was shocked to see one in almost two weeks, I figured they were not coming around because winter moving in. I looked behind me to the South and caught another one and it kept heading South until disappeared.
I guess my watching is not over , I will report again when I see more.
NOTE: again....what's with the side to side flying pattern? They always seem to do that, no matter how high up they are...the lower they are, the more dramatic it looks.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dr. Reed's encounter

This is something I had previously seen on youtube, but never clicked on it to play. Rather disturbing and frustrating. None the less, this is the most amazing story I have heard.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Been a few days

I wonder if the colder weather has anything to do with "visitors"? I have not seen anything in almost 5 days. In fact I can't recollect ever seeing anything during the cold months. I read they are kind of like plants, so I have to ask...."do they freeze like plants"?
What? You thought they were flesh? Did you know ET was thrown out for the most part? One of the first aliens in captivity was named EBE. Why? Because they found out that they (this species) of grays took substance in like a plant , through hands and feet and excreted it the same way. EBE was having a hard time living on this planet during his interrogation period. Doctors could not do much, so a "botanist" was called in. The name EBE stands for "Extra Biological Entity".
When you watch this video, keep in mind that YES things do leak...this stuff is not going to stay secret forever. Spooky? YEP

Sunday, November 2, 2008

YouTube comps UFO sightings around the world

This video has so much emotion, so much feeling. The message is pretty clear, we are not alone and our government is scared. They want us to shut up and ignore just believe what the media says and dismiss all sightings as experiments, chinese lanterns, satellites, weather balloons and more. You MUST believe this is only true some of the time. If you are seeing object like this...ask yourself "do we have crafts that can fly like this? Do we have crafts that appear nothing more than balls of light and can move fast as a bullet? Do we have AIR BRAKES on our planes so we can stop and make a right turn? THINK ABOUT IT..