Monday, April 20, 2009


I was busy today and didn't find out until many hours later that this conference was held. Just watch the videos, this was LIVE today on CNN. Just be ready people.



Monday, April 13, 2009

April 14, 11:something PM

FINALLY!! My next door neighbor watched a UFO with me! She has never seen one before. I had just seen one to the North of me, it was bright and then it faded out and disappeared. I heard my neighbor come outside and I saw a dog toy fly across the yard, so I said "you just missed one!". She came to the fence and I described what I saw and we talked while looking at the sky. I said it's so frustrating that she keeps missing them when I have lived here for a couple years and see them all the time. Out of nowhere I was looking up and saw a star without looking for anything....a UFO came right from in front of it like it was sitting in it's light and moved slowly to the North/North West! I grabbed her coat and pulled her in and pointed it out and she watched it too! I am really glad she saw one finally. I explained that they will be brighter at times, it depends on how close they are. woohoo!

April 13 9:28pm

Outside , looked up as usual and clear sky. I spotted from a stand still a UFO move South East until it disappeared. I think I watched for about 30seconds. Was strange, at first when it started off, it waved side to side and then started going faster.
I also forgot to blog two other sightings at night time from last week. I am seeing them so often, that it's almost not a big deal anymore. Why doesn't anyone report them? I bet for the same reason I don't....there are too many, how would you describe it? Usually all you see is a light, like a star moving across the sky..