Monday, April 13, 2009

April 14, 11:something PM

FINALLY!! My next door neighbor watched a UFO with me! She has never seen one before. I had just seen one to the North of me, it was bright and then it faded out and disappeared. I heard my neighbor come outside and I saw a dog toy fly across the yard, so I said "you just missed one!". She came to the fence and I described what I saw and we talked while looking at the sky. I said it's so frustrating that she keeps missing them when I have lived here for a couple years and see them all the time. Out of nowhere I was looking up and saw a star without looking for anything....a UFO came right from in front of it like it was sitting in it's light and moved slowly to the North/North West! I grabbed her coat and pulled her in and pointed it out and she watched it too! I am really glad she saw one finally. I explained that they will be brighter at times, it depends on how close they are. woohoo!

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