Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009 6:18pm

Outside having a smoke after dinner, nothing unusual. I just happened to bend back and look sraight up and spotted a UFO which appeared as a star like most do when they are that far up. It was moving at a somewhat slow speed, but with the side to side motion. I watched it as it seemed to pass right next to a star and it was headed North at the moment. I was thinking to myself " come on, do something and in the back of my mind wanting it to come closer".
As I was thinking that, it seemed to dart to the left and was suddenly heading NorthWest. I watched it for a few minutes and no matter how far away it got, I could still see it. Now if I had looked in the direction it was at the farthest point, I would not have seen it. However, since I was focused on it I was able to see it even though it was growing smaller in the distance.
What else can I say? I know what I am seeing and these are definately UFO's ..nothing else moves like this and since I have seen them a LOT closer than this before, I have a trained eye.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009 6:23pm

We have pretty clear skies right now and I caught another UFO moving in that same wabbly or "side to side" pattern. I watched it for about 4.5 minutes until it was too far in the distance, but I could see it just as clear the whole time as it was when it was closer. never lost it's brightness. Is anyone going to subscribe to this blog and give me some feedback? If not...oh well, I will still update.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unbelievable! January 20, 2009 6:50 pm

I was waiting for wife to get home, I went out to have another cig. Stood out there for a few minutes and then looked up above straight up to catch another UFO moving directly North in the same damn side to side pattern! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I have not seen this many in one night since it was summer.

January 20, 2009 6:18pm

I had JUST walked outside for a cig and looked up directly at a BRIGHT light moving east slowly. It was low and moving with the "side to side" motion and I knew right off it was a UFO.
It's been a little while Since I had seen anything. I yelled "ARE YOU OUTSIDE?" hopefully to catch my neighbor so I could tell her to "look up!" because she never sees them, but is a believer. I ran inside and out the front door to see if she was home to get her outside....she was not home, I ran back inside and out the back door and it was gone! It was not that far away and it was GONE that fast out of site.
I was about to go back inside and come here to blog the event when I saw a flash of light like an arch? I stood and watched the area of sky for a few minutes as I saw the flash keep happening. It was another UFO! It moved slowly towards the East as well and it kept "surging" as it moved on. Eventually it disappeared from sight.
Are they busy today because of the new president? WILL THE GOVERNMENT EVER TELL THE TRUTH?? damn I hope so before I am dead!