Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009 6:18pm

Outside having a smoke after dinner, nothing unusual. I just happened to bend back and look sraight up and spotted a UFO which appeared as a star like most do when they are that far up. It was moving at a somewhat slow speed, but with the side to side motion. I watched it as it seemed to pass right next to a star and it was headed North at the moment. I was thinking to myself " come on, do something and in the back of my mind wanting it to come closer".
As I was thinking that, it seemed to dart to the left and was suddenly heading NorthWest. I watched it for a few minutes and no matter how far away it got, I could still see it. Now if I had looked in the direction it was at the farthest point, I would not have seen it. However, since I was focused on it I was able to see it even though it was growing smaller in the distance.
What else can I say? I know what I am seeing and these are definately UFO's ..nothing else moves like this and since I have seen them a LOT closer than this before, I have a trained eye.

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