Friday, May 29, 2009

Barry Goldwater on General Curtis LeMay on UFO's

This is signifigant to me, because LeMay is/was my great uncle.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NASA Footage

Just watch this video, pay close attention to the objects that come into frame and stop, or slow down and others that appear. The flashing is what it looks like above earth when there is a you are just seeing lightning flashes. It is said that UFO's gather over our storms to harness electricity.

two days ago

11:20 or so PM. My sister in law, her little boy and my wife were outside on the deck talking. I walked out and my sister in law asked me "is that moving? is it a UFO?"
I looked up and thought she was talking about a couple of stars which if you look at them just right for a couple minutes....they appear to move by playing tricks on your eyes. I explained it away as just that. Well I am always looking up, so they continued to talk about about half minute later I saw what she was talking about! I pointed it out and she said "yeah it moved back and forth a couple times and keeps disappearing"....I said yeah that's a UFO alright! We watched it slowly go NorthEast for a short distance and it disappeared. Right at the time it disappeared, I saw another one moving in the opposite direction and it disappeared in almost the same spot the other one did! I think they were meeting for a sandwich maybe?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One of the many obvious REAL sightings

UFO VIDEO - San Diego UFO VIDEO FOOTAGE - The funniest bloopers are right here

4 more FLASHES

Not that it really matters what directions and how far off this time.....but more importantly, others and myself have witnessed flashes of light in the sky at night. The flashes make me automatically think someone just took a picture from the sky. The flash is bright and happens so fast that not even a tracer is left in my eyes like you would get from staring at a light bulb and then looking away. The amount of times I have seen these flashes is approximately 6. Watch this video a few times and pause even , just to see what it looks like when this UFO takes off. It's so fast and the flash of light(s) is not as obvious in the daytime as shown.....but this may very well explain the flashes I have seen.

UFO - China - More amazing video clips are a click away

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

and another

I just watched one go North and as it went along, it kept disappearing. It was bright then it was gone, bright then it was gone...if a person didn't pay attention they would never see it.

I watched another one very faintly off to the East that seemed to appear after a plane went by.

YES I am talking about UFO's!

Once again....

Was just outside on back deck talking to my wife and did nothing but look up as usual while we talked. I spotted a UFO that appeared what seems to be directly above my neighborhood....but it was way up there like a star almost. It was moving forward heading South in a studdered motion with that strange side to side pattern. It was definately not going straight as it seemed to bounce from one star to another like it was pinging off them. I know it was that far away, but I don't know how to describe the way they move. I can't find ANYWHERE on the internet information or descriptions of how they move by anyone else.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


No later than I just posted lastnight's sightings and I go outside for a smoke to see one REALLY low below the clouds moving West to East! It was very bright, looked like a star with NO blinking noise! It was like a very bright star, I could not make out anything because the light was so bright there was beams coming from all sides of the object like a shining star....I don't know how to describe it. Don't believe me? I don't care, it was nothing other than a UFO!

Last night 6 UFO

Last night I got home and spent 9:30-2am on the back deck with my brother in law and his friend from work. We talked nothing but astronomy, UFO's, aliens, space, science and yes....religion.
Why I am posting this is because during those hours, I spotted 6 UFO's and pointed them we all 3 watched them at the same time. They were all heading in different directions and were in different parts of the sky. All seemed to be at different distances as well. It was really nice to have seen them and not be alone. Witnesses are insurance!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two more sighted 15mins ago

My brother in law walked outside after I just watched a UFO go South to North. We talked for a few minutes as I did nothing but watch the sky. I spotted another one and pointed it out to him and we both watched it. I have been gaining more witnesses to my sightings and I hope that helps.....whoever reads this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Might be onto something 3:14 am

I just spotted a UFO gaining on an airplane which was at a higher altitude than the UFO. The UFO sped up gaining altitude until it appeared it was going to collide with the airplane. After matching speeds, it sped up and dropped altitude a bit and got REAL bright then dim again and kept going. I lost sight of it behind trees blocking my view.
I called Eppley Airport and asked if any pilots just reported this. I was quickly transferred to another guy and explained it all to him and he took my name and number. They will question the pilots.....what should I expect? Men In Black?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nebraska MUFON meeting

I wonder if I should go to the meeting?
May 16th right here in Omaha....hmm

ever2020 sighting number....?

This is NOT my video, but it HAS to be shared. This person has many videos and they are all slightly different. If you can't see anything, turn the brightness down...there are several!