Tuesday, May 26, 2009

two days ago

11:20 or so PM. My sister in law, her little boy and my wife were outside on the deck talking. I walked out and my sister in law asked me "is that moving? is it a UFO?"
I looked up and thought she was talking about a couple of stars which if you look at them just right for a couple minutes....they appear to move by playing tricks on your eyes. I explained it away as just that. Well I am always looking up, so they continued to talk about about half minute later I saw what she was talking about! I pointed it out and she said "yeah it moved back and forth a couple times and keeps disappearing"....I said yeah that's a UFO alright! We watched it slowly go NorthEast for a short distance and it disappeared. Right at the time it disappeared, I saw another one moving in the opposite direction and it disappeared in almost the same spot the other one did! I think they were meeting for a sandwich maybe?

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