Wednesday, October 29, 2008

UFO Archive

Like I said , I would show what I said just moments after my sightings.
I believe this is the first instance I spoke to her on messenger..

Bob Black (7/4/2008 3:08:29 AM): remember i told you about UFOs i saw when i was over? i saw them again! first time it did the same thing, from big dipper to south east....disappeared. that was about 11:20pm and just now i watched it hover in and out of clouds 3am! it's still probably there, going behind clouds and little flashes of light , not a helicoptor! this thing seems to be watching omaha or me..i am not shitting you. everytime i see this stuff, i am alone , people sleeping or nobody around....i dunno what to do? call cops ? it's kinda getting scary since i seem to keep seeing this and i am outside smoking while everyone sleeps.

Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:37:54 PM): have seen 3 ufo tonight....i still see them just a few times a week
Kathy Legault (7/21/2008 10:38:12 PM): you sure they not planes?
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:39:24 PM): i just watched one , saw three started moving from a dead stop.....i watched it go across sky like a moving star. what caught my eye was before it moved , i lit up bright and then looked like a star moving across sky....about half way across sky that i could see it, it lit up again and kept moving
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:40:07 PM): they light up like that, because of energy bursts to keep going.....i am always the only one to see these things....but i watch the skies a lot and usually late at night when i am smoking
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:40:32 PM): i wish someone would see with me
Kathy Legault (7/21/2008 10:40:49 PM): maybe you r the only one they want to see them...wise to not give them attention
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:41:11 PM): i wondered that....why is it i keep seeing them
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:41:39 PM): i feel like i have to watch sky all around it cuz i get feeling it's a decoy or something
Kathy Legault (7/21/2008 10:42:00 PM): put your attention to better use
Kathy Legault (7/21/2008 10:45:13 PM): gonna hit it...yawn! love ya, nite
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:45:16 PM): mom i can't ignore them
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:45:26 PM): i go out to smoke, i can't pretend i dont see them lol
Bob Black (7/21/2008 10:45:30 PM): love ya too nite

Bob Black (8/4/2008 2:03:34 AM): 2am.....saw a ufo close as hell, called cops and they coming to take my report!!!!
Bob Black (8/4/2008 2:42:03 AM): cops got here about 10mins after i called. two cars and three cops....this really scared me! i have seen these things too many times and this one was a heck of a lot closer to where i could almost make it out. it was moving fast and zipping in a squiggly pattern below the clouds....i shit you not, i am not seeing things! im afraid to go outside and smoke now since it's dark and im alone out there.

Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:18:02 PM): what did you think of what i told you last night aftet you went to bed?
Kathy Legault (8/4/2008 3:18:28 PM): is wierd for sure but my mind too occupied right now to absorb it.
Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:18:35 PM): it was much closer than any other i saw here in omaha, it scared me
Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:18:37 PM): i know
Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:19:11 PM): i was having hard time talking when i called and when they got here, i was afraid to go to their car from the porch
Kathy Legault (8/4/2008 3:19:40 PM): no doubt
Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:19:49 PM): there is no way in hell i was seeing things...i wish you could have seen it
Kathy Legault (8/4/2008 3:20:03 PM): pics would have been cool
Bob Black (8/4/2008 3:21:26 PM): as soon as i saw it, i thought CAMERA....but it was moving so fast and out of control that i didn't want to go get it. i watched it for about 15 seconds or went who knows how many miles across the sky in short time, was not hard to keep an eye on was just all over the place heading south

Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:03:48 AM): i know you been busy, lots going on too much to think about what i told you.....
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:04:09 AM): yup
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:04:53 AM): i have seen ufo's on numerous times. in day time, not that far away...but i could still see them buzz that airplane....then i see one close at night and OMG...i am still in disbelief that i saw it!
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:05:00 AM): I have been too busy. Hard to keep up with alot right now.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:05:09 AM): i know
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:06:04 AM): my next door neighbor is a woman about your age....she totally believes, reads and watches a nut about them. she knows i see them a lot and watch all the time. she about jumped out of her skin when i told her she was sleeping when i had cops over
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:06:38 AM): I bet
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:07:02 AM): when you saw that one long time you remember what it looked like? as if it was today?
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:07:35 AM): yep...most things u see in your life you don't recal exact but that I do.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:08:58 AM): k..i remember all i have seen too.....but what i saw the other night, was close....not as close as the one i reported in chadron.....but brain is having a hard time remembering how it was so unearthly
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:09:42 AM): The U.S. military has crafts that are like that but they deny it.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:09:57 AM): moving fast, like it was a fly against a was against the clouds almost like it was looking for a hole to go back up through....not straight , swaying side to side and then went up and gone
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:10:06 AM): this was NOT military
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:10:29 AM): I know it wasn't but they do have em.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:11:31 AM): i can tell you nothing we have it like this.....the light was pure white and had a glow around it kinda like a church candle burning.....moved in a studdered speed, fast and could make maneouvors that baffle me
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:12:01 AM): The one I saw was round, white but like a white glow with colored lights all around it...was basic colors but yet they were not and the lights didn't seem to be attached.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:12:56 AM): i wish someone was with me, it's very hard to explain and i know people think i am either full of it or saw something that was OURS and just freaked for nothing......but it was not ours , i swear
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:13:16 AM): k
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:13:20 AM): What I saw wasn't ours either.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:13:28 AM): i believe you
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:14:49 AM): Mom, for a long time i questioned your story....i was always wondering why you said you saw that and was it to scare dad or something.....many questions and doubts in my head when i was a kid.....but when i saw the first one in chadron that close......i KNEW you were not making it up. i am sorry i doubted you, but i felt like most anyone who has never seen one.
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:15:38 AM): I don't tell people because they do make ya feel like they think you're nuts.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:15:47 AM): i am not obsessed , it's just not easy to ignore when you see it more than once lol
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:17:02 AM): yes exactly! this happens way too often to me...why? i dunno....because maybe i live in a perfect spot that allows me the right lighting in the sky or something? or because it's just that time of the year for sightings? or because i pay a lot more attention to the sky when most people never look up.
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:17:50 AM): I donno but don't allow it to consume you.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:19:26 AM): i won't.....if it was a rare bird i saw.....i would not pay attention for more sightings in the future......but seeing a UFO..more like a space craft....something that is not from earth....something that is not even CLOSE to tends to stick on your brain a bit
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:19:46 AM): anyways....not trying to drive ya's late hehe
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:20:08 AM): of course it does...because we have it in us all that this earth is our limit
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:20:19 AM): yeah you are right
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:20:42 AM): but i am always learning from the internet.....i read about the Hubble telescope
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:22:19 AM): it can see 12billion light years into space......they say the galaxie is about 78billion light years in size....but within it, there are millions of other galaxies like ours.....there is a lot more ou there.....many different ufo's are seen, probably from different places
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:23:32 AM): the most talked about aliens are grays and reptillians....those of which are supposedly the only kind ever captured and this info leaks .... we arent supposed to know about it....but people can't hold this stuff in when they know they tell someone and it gets out
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:23:53 AM): would be selfish to believe we are the only life in this huge universe
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:24:00 AM): yeah
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:24:27 AM): amazing to think god only created us.....did he create all them others? lol never know
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:25:17 AM): did you ever see pics of 12billion light years away? talk about WOW!
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:26:39 AM): from what I understand...aliens are satans helpers...satan was released from hell for 1000 years to try to destroy Gods image and ufos are a part of his plan...the bible says we will see strange lights in the skies but to not fear and only have faith in God and pay no mind to those lights as if you do then you give attention to satan.
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:27:52 AM): i understand that....but what gives a spirit ability to mangle cattle.....abduct humans and experiment?
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:28:58 AM): i have read several times that our government has a deal with aliens , to let them take some cattle and a few humans a year in order to keep them quiet? ...think of how many people are missing and never found....i think there is something to that
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:29:25 AM): what gives angels the ability to save people from wrecks or get messages to people...push birds and butterflies towards us and make us feel sensations letting us know they are close by?
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:29:56 AM): good point
Bob Black (8/7/2008 12:30:44 AM): check this out when you have of stuff most people will never take the time to see....stuff nobody on earth will ever see in their entire life , unless they check into what this telescope gets photos of.....
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:31:27 AM): you attract the good or the evil....what you need to do is ask God to keep those ufos away from you and instead give you knowledge of him.
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 12:32:43 AM): I will check out that site soon...right now I need sleep.

Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 2:35:41 PM):
Bob Black (8/7/2008 2:44:17 PM): interesting
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 2:44:24 PM): yea
Bob Black (8/7/2008 2:45:09 PM): i think more and more people are paying attention, which will lead to large news in the near future.
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 2:45:28 PM): prophecy
Kathy Legault (8/7/2008 2:47:49 PM): The Bible tells us that Satan is changed into an angel of light. Will he come to Earth in a U.F.O. and claim to be God or Jesus Christ?

Kathy Legault (8/26/2008 11:17:08 PM): love ya...nite
Bob Black (8/26/2008 11:24:12 PM): love you too nite....just saw a ufo above target store.....flew over low and fast....stopped or something out of my view behind a tree blocking my view....was light glow disc shaped with a gap in it like a big window oe something
Bob Black (8/26/2008 11:25:07 PM): last night i saw a reddish bal of light drop down and to the north behind some trees , i follow it with my eyes through the holes in trees and lost it...i can't see shit beyond the trees

Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:22:53 PM): well i just saw a ufo shoot a bazillion miles an hour across sky over a dead stop and then it drifted and disappeared.....then i saw it do it again across over by target and did the same thing......shit is starting to scare me! alisha seen 3 with me outside in the last week!
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:23:28 PM): U SHOULD GET PICS
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:24:02 PM): i wish! it moved so fast i almost didnt see it, was like a shooting star, but i saw it stop and drift two times!
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:24:16 PM): the others , you dont see them long enough to grab camera
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:24:49 PM): i am not crazy, lying or idiot.....i see them ALL THE TIME and it's really worrying me WHY doesnt anyone else call them in
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:25:09 PM): most people don't see them
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:25:43 PM): yeah , well i do and i see a LOT
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:26:06 PM): yea, I would too if I looked...anyone would
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:26:24 PM): they move so fast , it's no wonder nobody sees an abduction!
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:26:35 PM): yea
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:28:53 PM): i know i look more often......but holy shit there are ALWAYS a bunch of them above us!
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:29:06 PM): all day long......tons watching us mom
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:29:32 PM): oh well...what ya gonna do? Become paranoid? Or live your life.
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:30:21 PM): live my life.....but it's hard to go outside knowing i am being watched or what's up there and not moving all the time
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:30:42 PM): you're ok
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:39:40 PM): government is fully aware, i am tired of the lies
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:40:06 PM): yea
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:40:46 PM): alot of it is the government and that's a fact...they got the technology from aliens and most the ufo's anyone sees is us
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:41:04 PM): i doubt it
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:41:18 PM): no human is going to not get sick or die from moving that fast
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:41:49 PM): thousands of miles per hour with gravity, then to a dead stop? i have seen them moving fast and then do a Z while going
Kathy Legault (9/27/2008 10:42:07 PM): an X fed worker was just on tv 2 weeks ago telling about it...he is terminally ill and said nothing to lose by telling the truth
Bob Black (9/27/2008 10:42:50 PM): yeah nasa guy

Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:08:39 AM): 3am having a cig, looking around and BAM 3 lights appeared and slowly came down together towards the north,northeast. i went to get camera and they were gone! im still shaking. yeah i know i am driving you nuts, sorry but HOLY CRAP!
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:37:00 AM): i went back out with camera this time and FILMED TWO!
Bob Black (9/30/2008 12:22:31 PM): ummm i just filmed a fleet of ufos....maybe 50 , daytime? uhhhhhh i am really wondering what is going on
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 12:38:48 PM): send file
Bob Black (9/30/2008 12:39:54 PM): if you get it, play 1/2 speed, you will see them a LOT better
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 12:40:11 PM): yea
Bob Black (9/30/2008 12:41:27 PM): this is the fleet.....for about 5minutes, everywhere i looked above me i saw "stars" and bright lights or reflections off them. when i saw them at first i ran for camera. i filmed for 30secs and accidently stopped so the very first part is still on my camera. i need to get it off there
Bob Black (9/30/2008 12:42:02 PM): focus sucks , but if you watch it slow and pay attention you will see many
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 12:42:33 PM): am mowing so will be back in a bit later to view it...ttyl
Bob Black (9/30/2008 12:42:49 PM): k
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:08:25 PM): hey
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:08:36 PM): hey
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:09:13 PM): I got it
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:09:17 PM): k
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:09:27 PM): no...I mean...I got it!!!!!!!!!
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:09:42 PM): ?
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:09:48 PM): I ran it by extreme split seconds...the ufo can be seen
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:10:03 PM): yeah MANY of them right?
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:10:29 PM): did you get the night time one or the day time?
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:10:38 PM): one....I got to 3:49 time and kept seeing something flash so I pinned it down...I will send it to ya
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:11:00 PM): ok was this the night video?
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:11:15 PM): no
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:11:33 PM): ok from today in the day time....that video has many in it
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:11:50 PM): the footage still on my camera has better
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:12:38 PM): how did you get that? you mean that you GOT the part where i said "can you see the flash"?
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:12:47 PM): yes
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:12:52 PM): cool!
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:13:31 PM): right then i was trying to capture the flashing cuz it was reflection on metal from the sun. some of them looked like they were on fire, orangish
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:14:10 PM): they move too can't capture fast enough...have to keep clicking go and pause fast
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:14:15 PM): not gonna use zoom anymore , it makes hard to see
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:14:41 PM): i guess.....did you see all the white dots? those are all of them that i got on there
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:15:18 PM): I didn't see those, just kept seeing a fast flash so I kept hitting go and pause til it showed up
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:15:50 PM): oh gotta watch on my computer, maybe your settings make it hard to see them
Bob Black (9/30/2008 3:16:05 PM): there are at least 6 in one frame
Kathy Legault (9/30/2008 3:16:24 PM): will change my settings later, mess with it....need to go for now

Bob Black (10/7/2008 10:06:54 PM): mom
Bob Black (10/7/2008 10:08:57 PM): 6 ufos in 20mins....alisha saw two with me and anissa saw 4 ....two of them were LOW and one was so low i watched it go up at an angle from target area over here , i will be surprised if nobody called tonight...

Kathy Legault (10/26/2008 8:24:49 PM):
Kathy Legault (10/26/2008 8:59:09 PM): yo

Kathy Legault (10/26/2008 11:46:45 PM): potty...brb
Bob Black (10/26/2008 11:46:48 PM): i was just watching a ufo
Bob Black (10/26/2008 11:46:55 PM): k

STOP here....this is about all that I have said on messenger. These dates and times show when I was telling her. I have not told her every single time. I still see them and it's so common now that I just keep most of it to myself. AGAIN..WHEN WILL PEOPLE WAKE UP?

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