Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Year 1998

I was living in Chadron, Nebraska with my wife in our first home we bought together. I am a smoker, wish I could quit....but I have always smoked outside because I hate the lingering smoke and the stench of a smokers home is nasty.
I always stepped outside on the small stoop on the side of the house facing East near the garage. I remember it was about 10:00 pm or maybe 10:15. I was not looking for anything, but I happened to look to my left facing North and saw something that I probably should never see.
I don't know how to describe it, but it was a yellowish, blue glowing ball of light moving across the sky at a low altitude from West to East about as fast as an airplane passing, so I did get a good 10second view of it going by. It was lower than a helicoptor and at the time I didn't know what I was watching?
I went inside and called the Dawes County Sheriff to report a possible "crash" East of town.
Keep in mind this was a small town of 3,000 residents and maybe 6,000 with college in session. I could get on my bike and ride from one side of town to the other in just a few minutes in either direction.
The object was so low, so strange that UFO didn't really register. I just thought I should report someone's farm may have just been hit by something falling from the sky?
The Sheriff told me that it was probably "space poop"....yeah really! He said sometimes we have stuff like that hit the atmosphere causing lights like that as they burn up. He referred to the "poop" as garbage or waste from a shuttle mission or something like that. I thought to myself he was not realizing what I saw and didn't understand.
This object didn't have a tail, no chemtrails and didn't even leave "tracers". I never heard back from the Sheriff after that. I don't know what they found, if they found anything at all....
This is not to make you think something happened...or that anything was "covered up".
I will post again about this night soon. I told my mom about this night and she did some searching on the internet. Two weeks after I saw this, my mom sends me an email that what I saw was reported from Colorado and Wyoming also the same night AND that MY report was on a web site! HOW DID IT GET ON ANY WEB SITE?
Note: my second and definately closest sighting at the time.

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