Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last night

I was watching two airplanes, both heading East to land at Eppley Airfield. It was night time so I could only see the blinking lights of the planes. From the West a UFO appeared and seriously flew across the sky and past the planes so it was way ahead of them. It slowed down and drifted off until I could not see it again. It was neat to see! All I could see was a bright light going WAY faster than the planes and I would have to guess they and the UFO was about 4 miles North of me and all were about a mile above earth.
More than ever I am seeing UFO's closer to earth, this is kinda scary. I am worried that I will be abducted.
What if they know I am always watching them? I bet they can see me, I am probably one of the few people standing outside at these hours in a city of over 900,000 staring at the sky.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


It's still daylight and my wife and I just watched one about the same height as a helicoptor. It was just bright yellowish white and made no noise. I would guess it was only a mile away so it was very easy to watch. I thought I should run and grab camera, but I knew by the time I came back out it would be gone.

Friday, June 19, 2009

From Russia....

This is a security camera video that clearly shows at least two objects moving across the sky very low. A person spots them and runs to get others.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


After the two closer sightings I had this month, I thought I would "youtube" June 2009 UFO and see what came up. This video is real, this is how they look when lighting up and get dim and how they look when they move. I have never seen this many at once in the night, but 99% of the time this is what I see.

HOLY SHIP!!!--UPDATED next day

I just saw a UFO appear at a low altitude and just look at my damn crappy drawing! It was not EXACTLY like this , but it moved QUICK and did a flight like this. It appeared in front of my eyes and did this. I grabbed the screen door and was shaking, this shit is sometimes scary when it's close like that! I wish to hell I had my camera outside!!!!! I can't describe it, this is the best I can do....all I can say is this is the FIRST time I have seen one fly this way and it was close enough with the right lighting???.....I made out it's SHAPE!! I am fricking shaking right now, sorry for the crappy drawing and handwriting. 3:14am
From the starting point until it disappeared, it took like 5 seconds to cover several miles in this pattern! No damn human or anything WE HAVE can do this shit!

EDIT: additional....
Sitting here looking at June 2009 UFO videos on youtube. I came across a video in spanish about a pilot that claims to have recorded UFO's. What is MOST interesting is the image here. I put the video on pause and snapped this. THIS is what I saw last AM. This is exactly what I saw!

Here is the video I got the still from.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


First of all last AM about 4:00 I was outside and it was very clear, so clear I could see more stars than I have in almost a year.
From the West a UFO came across the sky about the same altitude as a small plane. It was bright, but dimmer than most of the stars. Remember!...It was low like a small plane so I got a good view of this! It came across the sky very swiftly, 2-3 times faster than a plane, no noise and sped up and slowed down as it passed over. (above me or my neighborhood straight above)
I watched it and grabbed the door handle tightly, because I DON'T want a trip anywhere! (not sure if that would help anyways)
I am not one of these people that stands around welcoming invaders and hoping to be taken into a craft! HELL NO....no thanks, I have stuff to do here and don't need my life ruined over an experience like that. I would rather and am better off "observing" the UFO's from here.
I watched it go into the Eastern sky and it disappeared. I watched that part of the sky for a few minutes and then saw another...maybe it was the same one? It appeared and went a short distance to the North and disappeared again.

NOTICE: I have seen many others that I didn't report lately. I guess I feel I am wasting my time. NO subcribers/followers on this blog leads me to think nobody cares or is even reading. I will NOT be posting anymore of my OWN sightings unless they are significant.

A new sighting!

Possible UFO caught on video 1:22
Denna Smith and her family video saw what they believe was a UFO in the sky over a Virginia theme park.

Friday, June 5, 2009

5 in 15

I was thinking to myself "nothing out tonight, oh well.." and next thing I knew I caught a BRIGHT light to the West that was actually behind me. I turned around and looked directly up to the sky and right at the UFO that was shining so bright I squinted my eyes! It started moving South and got dimmer as it moved and I caught another one that appeared and moved South as well! After I watched them for as long as I could see, another one came out of the same part of the sky and moved South as well! I thought...."ok where is #4"...I see them like that and it seems like there are always 5 or 6. Well in a couple of minutes another one appeared in the same part of the sky, but was moving North. I then saw another one moving South again and almost crossed paths with an airplane, but I don't know what "level" they were at or if they would have seen each other. I gave up and came in to post this...seems like they are doing something up there, why move back and forth in the same space?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Barry Goldwater on General Curtis LeMay on UFO's

This is signifigant to me, because LeMay is/was my great uncle.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NASA Footage

Just watch this video, pay close attention to the objects that come into frame and stop, or slow down and others that appear. The flashing is what it looks like above earth when there is a thunderstorm....so you are just seeing lightning flashes. It is said that UFO's gather over our storms to harness electricity.

two days ago

11:20 or so PM. My sister in law, her little boy and my wife were outside on the deck talking. I walked out and my sister in law asked me "is that moving? is it a UFO?"
I looked up and thought she was talking about a couple of stars which if you look at them just right for a couple minutes....they appear to move by playing tricks on your eyes. I explained it away as just that. Well I am always looking up, so they continued to talk about about half minute later I saw what she was talking about! I pointed it out and she said "yeah it moved back and forth a couple times and keeps disappearing"....I said yeah that's a UFO alright! We watched it slowly go NorthEast for a short distance and it disappeared. Right at the time it disappeared, I saw another one moving in the opposite direction and it disappeared in almost the same spot the other one did! I think they were meeting for a sandwich maybe?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One of the many obvious REAL sightings

UFO VIDEO - San Diego UFO VIDEO FOOTAGE - The funniest bloopers are right here

4 more FLASHES

Not that it really matters what directions and how far off this time.....but more importantly, others and myself have witnessed flashes of light in the sky at night. The flashes make me automatically think someone just took a picture from the sky. The flash is bright and happens so fast that not even a tracer is left in my eyes like you would get from staring at a light bulb and then looking away. The amount of times I have seen these flashes is approximately 6. Watch this video a few times and pause even , just to see what it looks like when this UFO takes off. It's so fast and the flash of light(s) is not as obvious in the daytime as shown.....but this may very well explain the flashes I have seen.

UFO - China - More amazing video clips are a click away

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

and another

I just watched one go North and as it went along, it kept disappearing. It was bright then it was gone, bright then it was gone...if a person didn't pay attention they would never see it.

I watched another one very faintly off to the East that seemed to appear after a plane went by.

YES I am talking about UFO's!

Once again....

Was just outside on back deck talking to my wife and did nothing but look up as usual while we talked. I spotted a UFO that appeared what seems to be directly above my neighborhood....but it was way up there like a star almost. It was moving forward heading South in a studdered motion with that strange side to side pattern. It was definately not going straight as it seemed to bounce from one star to another like it was pinging off them. I know it was that far away, but I don't know how to describe the way they move. I can't find ANYWHERE on the internet information or descriptions of how they move by anyone else.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


No later than I just posted lastnight's sightings and I go outside for a smoke to see one REALLY low below the clouds moving West to East! It was very bright, looked like a star with NO blinking lights....no noise! It was like a very bright star, I could not make out anything because the light was so bright there was beams coming from all sides of the object like a shining star....I don't know how to describe it. Don't believe me? I don't care, it was nothing other than a UFO!

Last night 6 UFO

Last night I got home and spent 9:30-2am on the back deck with my brother in law and his friend from work. We talked nothing but astronomy, UFO's, aliens, space, science and yes....religion.
Why I am posting this is because during those hours, I spotted 6 UFO's and pointed them out....so we all 3 watched them at the same time. They were all heading in different directions and were in different parts of the sky. All seemed to be at different distances as well. It was really nice to have seen them and not be alone. Witnesses are insurance!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two more sighted 15mins ago

My brother in law walked outside after I just watched a UFO go South to North. We talked for a few minutes as I did nothing but watch the sky. I spotted another one and pointed it out to him and we both watched it. I have been gaining more witnesses to my sightings and I hope that helps.....whoever reads this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Might be onto something 3:14 am

I just spotted a UFO gaining on an airplane which was at a higher altitude than the UFO. The UFO sped up gaining altitude until it appeared it was going to collide with the airplane. After matching speeds, it sped up and dropped altitude a bit and got REAL bright then dim again and kept going. I lost sight of it behind trees blocking my view.
I called Eppley Airport and asked if any pilots just reported this. I was quickly transferred to another guy and explained it all to him and he took my name and number. They will question the pilots.....what should I expect? Men In Black?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nebraska MUFON meeting

I wonder if I should go to the meeting?
May 16th right here in Omaha....hmm

ever2020 sighting number....?

This is NOT my video, but it HAS to be shared. This person has many videos and they are all slightly different. If you can't see anything, turn the brightness down...there are several!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I was busy today and didn't find out until many hours later that this conference was held. Just watch the videos, this was LIVE today on CNN. Just be ready people.



Monday, April 13, 2009

April 14, 11:something PM

FINALLY!! My next door neighbor watched a UFO with me! She has never seen one before. I had just seen one to the North of me, it was bright and then it faded out and disappeared. I heard my neighbor come outside and I saw a dog toy fly across the yard, so I said "you just missed one!". She came to the fence and I described what I saw and we talked while looking at the sky. I said it's so frustrating that she keeps missing them when I have lived here for a couple years and see them all the time. Out of nowhere I was looking up and saw a star without looking for anything....a UFO came right from in front of it like it was sitting in it's light and moved slowly to the North/North West! I grabbed her coat and pulled her in and pointed it out and she watched it too! I am really glad she saw one finally. I explained that they will be brighter at times, it depends on how close they are. woohoo!

April 13 9:28pm

Outside , looked up as usual and clear sky. I spotted from a stand still a UFO move South East until it disappeared. I think I watched for about 30seconds. Was strange, at first when it started off, it waved side to side and then started going faster.
I also forgot to blog two other sightings at night time from last week. I am seeing them so often, that it's almost not a big deal anymore. Why doesn't anyone report them? I bet for the same reason I don't....there are too many, how would you describe it? Usually all you see is a light, like a star moving across the sky..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Omaha sighting

Here's another video from Omaha. Skeptics have called this fake, but if you have any brains in your head....watch the movement more than once.

3 days ago...

This was difficult to film since my camera is not made for this type of thing. My 9 year old daughter has seen them with me and watched this one also. You will hear her voice in this too. I will add annotations to the video to point it out. I was not even sure if I was capturing it, since through the view finder and LCD screens it didn't show up to my eye. This object sat in the same spot for about 20 minutes and then disappeared. This is not the first time I have seen UFO's, this is only the third time I have seen them in daylight. I have countless times at night though.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I just watched a Police Heli heading West at a low altitude and about what?....a 50 feet above it a UFO! The UFO heading East and as soon as they passed each other the UFO disappeared! I know damn well the cops saw this thing!
25 Minutes previous, I spotted another one that was far away heading South.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11, 2009 8:35pm

Watched one move fairly slow across sky headed North. Wife watched it with me, but she doesn't like to see them. She glances and then says I DON'T CARE....she is in denial.....why do people deny this stuff?

March 10, 2009 1:29am

Just watched either one or two UFO's moving east in the far distance. At first I thought they were two stars, but I noticed they were both moving away from a real star. I don't know if both lights were of the same vehicle , or if two were moving in unison? All I do know is, they were not air planes... they both moved very slowly and faded in and out with light so bright it was brighter than a star and then so dim you could barely see them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009 approx. 7:20pm cst

Just out for a cig as usual. I was looking around thinking to myself how I have not been paying much attention. It is a clear sky. I caught a UFO move from a dead stop and go across the sky headed almost NorthWest and in the same side to side fashion. It got brighter at one point , but I could watch it for quite a distance. Now to rewind, I was watching that one and about the time I started watching it, I noticed another one within about a mile? take off and disappear. It took off like a spark. Kinda lit up real bright and streaked for what appeared to me from down here to be about 1/8 mile and it was gone from visibility.
I tell ya....I wish I had a good camera to film this stuff in the dark. MUFON....when are you going to contact me? Never I am sure....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009 6:18pm

Outside having a smoke after dinner, nothing unusual. I just happened to bend back and look sraight up and spotted a UFO which appeared as a star like most do when they are that far up. It was moving at a somewhat slow speed, but with the side to side motion. I watched it as it seemed to pass right next to a star and it was headed North at the moment. I was thinking to myself " come on, do something and in the back of my mind wanting it to come closer".
As I was thinking that, it seemed to dart to the left and was suddenly heading NorthWest. I watched it for a few minutes and no matter how far away it got, I could still see it. Now if I had looked in the direction it was at the farthest point, I would not have seen it. However, since I was focused on it I was able to see it even though it was growing smaller in the distance.
What else can I say? I know what I am seeing and these are definately UFO's ..nothing else moves like this and since I have seen them a LOT closer than this before, I have a trained eye.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009 6:23pm

We have pretty clear skies right now and I caught another UFO moving in that same wabbly or "side to side" pattern. I watched it for about 4.5 minutes until it was too far in the distance, but I could see it just as clear the whole time as it was when it was closer. Like..it never lost it's brightness. Is anyone going to subscribe to this blog and give me some feedback? If not...oh well, I will still update.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unbelievable! January 20, 2009 6:50 pm

I was waiting for wife to get home, bored...so I went out to have another cig. Stood out there for a few minutes and then looked up above straight up to catch another UFO moving directly North in the same damn side to side pattern! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I have not seen this many in one night since it was summer.

January 20, 2009 6:18pm

I had JUST walked outside for a cig and looked up directly at a BRIGHT light moving east slowly. It was low and moving with the "side to side" motion and I knew right off it was a UFO.
It's been a little while Since I had seen anything. I yelled "ARE YOU OUTSIDE?" hopefully to catch my neighbor so I could tell her to "look up!" because she never sees them, but is a believer. I ran inside and out the front door to see if she was home to get her outside....she was not home, I ran back inside and out the back door and it was gone! It was not that far away and it was GONE that fast out of site.
I was about to go back inside and come here to blog the event when I saw a flash of light like an arch? I stood and watched the area of sky for a few minutes as I saw the flash keep happening. It was another UFO! It moved slowly towards the East as well and it kept "surging" as it moved on. Eventually it disappeared from sight.
Are they busy today because of the new president? WILL THE GOVERNMENT EVER TELL THE TRUTH?? damn I hope so before I am dead!